Dentist in Frederick MD
Meet Dr. Edland

Barry S. Edland has more than 30 years of experience in Dentistry. Before founding his practice he graduated from the University of Maryland, School of Dentistry in 1984. After graduating, Dr. Edland served in the U.S. Army Dental Corps as a Captain, where he practiced dentistry at Ft. Benning, Georgia for 3 years before entering a group private practice. Dr. Edland has been located in his Frederick, MD office since 1996.
In addition to his position as a respected dentist in the Frederick, MD area, Dr. Edland is associated with Monocacy Health Partners dental clinic which treats patients in need through Frederick Memorial Hospital. Dr. Edland is a faculty member of the at the University of Maryland Dental School where he teaches undergraduate dental students hands-on procedures on their patients.
Dr. Edland has raised two children, Andrew and Sam and currently lives in Frederick with his wife Becky. He enjoys many extracurricular activities including playing guitar, hiking, biking, and most of all he is an avid Orioles fan.
Looking For Quality Dental Care?
Dr. Edland and his team deliver a full scope of dental services. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!